Our Story

Hoagard is a brand formed by the idea "Design Warehouse";

Hoagard was founded in 2014 by two young entrepreneurs. Ali Bedrettin Boz and Cagri Ayten took up designing as a new hobby by creating steel samples.At first, nobody realizes what actually is going to happen. Results are really extraordinary... They had not only got a new hobby but also, they brought a brand new notion to interior design. The idea was; “Those should be used as the decoration products on the walls of thousands of houses around the world.”

Adventure begins with the milestone of design: inspiration. And designing is the most joyful part given the fact that Hoagard got inspired by nature. The motto "Inspired by nature" was created referring to the nature of human. For example, the first concept “art” is referring to the elements of life, second concept “ratio” appeared as the main unit of the consistent result. Finally the third concept; architecture shown as a baseline on the design fact of the created technique...

All these three concepts came together as a reasonable circle. Indeed it is fair enough to say that this was an invention. So what is the product of this invention? -Basic combination of these three main concepts; Metal Wall Art with the aesthetics and the gorgeous ratio.

So how are these complicated concepts transformed into "easy-to-use" decoration products? The answer is hidden in the "minimalism" concept which is one of the greatest currents of 21st century and which has become a lifestyle in time.

We would love to share our designs and bring more inspiration into Australian homes, that's why we now have a local Australian partner with great customer service and attention to details. They will be posting your products from our warehouse located in Brisbane, Queensland

With the first dawn of universe, beyond in the darkness of space, our inspiration will last forever.




Our Commitment to Quality and Safety

Green & Blue Friendly

🏆 Design Awarded Product Box Project

Sustainability is not just a word for us! Our products are the best proof of this fact with their lifetime durability and their rewarded upcycle box design project. For this reason, Hoagard's 50x50cm and 50x70cm boxes are home to birds, 70x100cm boxes are home to cats. Instead of throwing the product boxes out, you can cut them off from the prints and join the pieces together to create a new house for our friends. 

🌏 We do design for living on a clean planet!


✨ Inspiration

Together with the best designers, we choose the best for you that create a remarkable atmosphere in your home. Our inspiration comes from our passion to explore the world and nature itself. Our focus is to work hard on discovering new ambitious ideas that give your walls a spirit. Build your own style with our wall art collection.